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Page visits since 2015   212,126

Statistics as of October 1, 2024

School Records Active Page Hits In
Adams 26,238 2,290 278,682 3,933
Central 21,862 479 148,148 5,703
Clay 18,526 544 121,079 1,737
Jackson 2,891 524 97,470 410
LaSalle 14,645 557 104,920 1,043
Riley 27,988 1,422 210,803 4,837
Washington 17,839 804 109,524 2,823
Total 129,989 6,620 1,070,626 20,486




Jack and Jim Champaigne started the John Adams website about thirty (30) years ago.  The software Class Creator is located in Ann Arbor, Michigan. The United States is one of 231 countries using Class Creator. Our seven South Bend, Indiana high schools is one of the largest users of this software.

Our websites have been altered to accommodate the original number of items in a Photo gallery from 64 to over 32,000.  Most other websites have less than 200 MB of storage.  We are currently pushing 8,000 MB on the John Adams website.

We have over 1,500 photo galleries. Over then 17,600 yearbook pages. 428 yearbooks on hand and posted. Currently over 6,500 classmates are active users.

South Bend High School (now Central) was started around 1832.  Our oldest yearbook is from 1872. No photos, but several sketches and stories.  Several of their WWI (the Great War) newspapers are on line and can be searched and printed.

The primary source for classmate names and photos is the high school yearbook mainly the graduating class. Many classmates attended, but may have moved or did not graduate (or have a senior photo).  These names are being added.  Several volunteers are searching the Junior, Sophomore and Freshmen class pages to add those names.  Also, as high schools have closed, there were Juniors, Sophomores and Freshmen students not in the final yearbook.  These are being added now.  Some classmates migrated from Riley to Jackson.  They are encouraged to join both high schools.


Each classmate is encouraged to enter school story memories and comments on their profile page.  This is not bragging.  It is telling your stories for future generations. Please read your classmate’s stories.  They are very interesting.  If you know an any reunion plans, let us know.  We have over 30 South Bend reunions this summer.  We can help contact your classmates.


You can post public notes in the “What’s New” link on the home page.  Private notes link can be found on each classmate’s profile page.  Only you and that classmate can view a private message.


Missing Classmates are those names we have listed, but have not joined the website yet.  If you can contact them, please encourage them to join.  It is FREE.  Wish them a happy birthday.  Post comments on their obituary.  Better yet, send them a message while you both are vertical.

Those that have served in the military are encourage to submit photos.  Also, we need photos from your elementary school days and reunion photos.

You may want to use Zoom at your next reunion to broadcast to those classmates that cannot attend in person.  The Galleries contain several teacher photos you can use as a slide show at your reunion.

Share your ideas.  Update your stories.  Encourage classmates to do the same.  This is the story of South Bend, Indiana public education.

Thank you for joining.

Link to  History of School Field telling how South Bend Alumni Association made history

Link to "Riley Review" Work in Progress by Jack Champaigne

How to Join  Click to see instructions


Military Gallery:   Photos submitted by classmates that have served our country.

Mishawaka Troop Town Link


•   Leon Bernard Bendit  2024
•   Eugene Micinski (1941)  2004
•   Paul J Szalay (1934)  2005
•   Orva J. Hostetler (1938)  1998
•   Marilyn Joan Hostetler (Keasey) (1944)  2011
•   Jack Edward Hostetler (1944)  2017
•   Sandra Lynne Hostetler (Price) (1961)  2007
•   Darlene Kay Hostetler (Romaca) (1964)  2014
•   Russell John Hostetler (1969)  1989
•   Helen V Pilarski (Frame) (1940)  2003
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Know the email address of a missing Classmate? Click here to contact them!